Are you Alone? Overcoming the blindspots of a business owner

Have you ever been pushed into a difficult position as a business owner? Sometimes it seems that regardless of what you choose, a long, difficult, and costly future awaits you.

When you signed up to be an entrepreneur, you also signed up to be a leader. However, the top can be a lonely place. You may have the authority and autonomy to make choices, but the constant stress and consequences of those choices can and usually does place most small businesses under.

Here are three ways to overcome the inevitable blindspots that business owners face.

Clear Perspective

Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 12:22

How do you go about getting an objective, honest, and accurate evaluation on how your work is actually going? Where do you turn to find out if your new sales manager is really taking your business in the right direction? Or if your pricing strategy is working?  Countless questions rattle in your mind as you try to ascertain the best choice. Getting an outside perspective from someone who has seen your situation before is the best option to avoid making unnecessary errors.

Deep Education

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

Most entrepreneurs are big on experiential learning and catching the latest podcast or business book on Audible, but what about deep study? If you’re a lawyer or a dentist, you certainly understand your profession due to your thorough schooling and training, but what about business training? What about analyzing the numbers, ratios, and data on businesses and the levers that make them work? Usually the demands of business ownership hinders opportunities for rigorous study and leaves an entrepreneur without a deep foundation. Often they will become reactionary, unstable leaders, unable to stick to a solid plan that will produce sustainable growth. Partnering with someone who has already invested years in education on the business fundamentals of finance, marketing, sales, operations, HR, organizational design, and information systems can not only help you grow, but avoid the risk of costly mistakes you didn’t even see coming. 

Self Mastery

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

The reason your business is experiencing growth (or lack of growth) is because of you. Instead of pointing at outside forces (bad economy, inflation, weak salesperson, etc.), consider taking a hard look at yourself and the disciplines that brought you here. There is a battle waging in this world against Christians. The world, the flesh, and the devil are not your friends. You must take a “sober-minded” look at what is happening in your mind, heart, body, and soul to see how effective you are at leading your business. Is your lack of “self mastery” holding you back from “business mastery?”  Do you have a Proverbs 27:6 friend who is willing to tell you the truth even when it’s not what you want to hear? Do you have anyone who will hold you accountable to becoming the best version of yourself?

Don’t be Alone

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

There is only one place to go where there are no blindspots, and that is God himself.  However, this goes beyond just connecting with God on Sunday morning. Do not neglect to partner with Jesus in the everyday battles of business. Going into each workday without the mind of Christ is like going into a battle without a sword. This is a blindspot that can be overcome with prayer, the work of the Holy Spirit, reading your Bible, and the influence of trusted Christian advisors.

Want help expanding your Top Line, Bottom Line, and Finish Line?  Schedule a discovery call here to learn more about my business coaching and consulting services and the 100x Framework for Growth.

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